We've gone back to work, and the kids will be back at school after Labor Day. But we've got plenty of adventures planned, including a repeat of Long Island apple picking in the fall. I also won tickets to "The Maury Show," but it's during the second week of school--which just serves to reinforce how envious I am of Tom and Lois' retirement lifestyle.
I think it is important to point out that Paula Deen was a faithful companion to me on this trip. Thomas bought me the six-disc set of her autobiography, read by her sweet southern twang. She inspires me in the kitchen, and she soothed my frazzled nerves in LA traffic. I really, really like Paula Deen. And now I am familiar with the intimate details of her sordid, buttery life.

I had an amazing time, spending time with family and friends throughout the Southwest and California. What a gratifying way to spend the summer and recharge! Hopefully the excellent memories Thomas and I made will last us until our next Great Adventure (or at least until Christmas vacation).